song of Lawino,  song of Ocol

song of Ocol was first published in 1967.

Ocol’s song is his response to Lawino’s lament (song of Lawino) and despite the conflict between the ‘new’ and the ‘traditional’ an understanding of the values of both is reached.

The originals of the illustrations for song of Lawino were retained by the publisher; the original illustrations for song of Ocol were retained by me.

song of Lawino was first published in 1966 and reprinted so many times the illustrations lost linear clarity. song of Lawino and song of Ocol were first published together in 1984.

original illustrations

complete set of 5:   R7 000.00
single drawing:       R1 500.00  each

0005  song of Ocol 1 (page 123) –  pencil and ink on paper – 373mm x 280mm

0006  song of Ocol 2 (page 128) –  pencil and ink on paper – 373mm x 280mm

007  song of Ocol 3 (page 132) –  pencil and ink on paper – 373mm x 280mm

0008  song of Ocol 4 (page 140) –  pencil and ink on paper – 373mm x 280mm

0009  song of Ocol 5 (page 144) –  pencil and ink on paper – 373mm x 280mm

152 pages, 186mm x 120mm, paperback, 5 illustrations
published by Heinemann Educational Publishers – African Writers Series    Oxford, 1984